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How to Determine the Best Internet Option: Fixed Wireless or Satellite?

Updated: Jun 27

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internet option


The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives and finding the right internet service provider (ISP) is crucial. internet connectivity has become a fundamental necessity for both personal and professional purposes.

However, for those living in remote or rural areas, accessing high-speed internet can be quite challenging.

This is where the debate between fixed wireless and satellite internet arises. Both options offer viable solutions for those who are unable to connect to traditional wired services, but which one is better?

Let's take a closer look at the features, pros, and cons of each to determine which option is the most suitable.

Firstly, let's define fixed wireless and satellite internet.

Fixed Wireless Internet

fixed wireless internet works

Fixed wireless internet is a type of connection that uses radio signals to transmit data from a fixed location to a receiver on the user's premises. It differs from traditional wired connections as it does not require cables or phone lines. Instead, it uses a small dish that is mounted on the outside of the building.


Satellite Internet

satellite internet

Satellite internet is a form of internet connection that uses satellites in space to transmit data to and from Earth. It works by sending and receiving signals between a satellite dish installed at the user's location and a satellite in orbit.

Let's delve deeper into the various factors that determine which is better between the two.

Fixed Wireless or Satellite?

latency price


Fixed wireless internet is typically limited to a specific area, such as a neighborhood or town, as it requires direct line-of-sight between the receiver and transmitter.

On the other hand, satellite internet is available almost anywhere as it relies on a satellite in space.

Speed and Bandwidth

In terms of speed, fixed wireless internet tends to offer higher download and upload speeds compared to satellite internet.

This is because fixed wireless utilizes a dedicated connection while a satellite connection is shared among multiple users.

However, as technology advances, satellite internet speeds have significantly improved, and are now able to provide relatively fast internet service.

Weather Interference

One of the biggest drawbacks of satellite internet is its susceptibility to weather interference.

Heavy rain, snow, or even strong winds can disrupt the signal and cause slow or intermittent connections.

Fixed wireless is not significantly affected by weather conditions, making it a more reliable option.


Latency refers to the time it takes for data to travel from the source to the receiver. Satellite internet has a higher latency due to the distance the signals must travel from the satellite to the receiver. This makes it less ideal for online gaming or video conferencing.

Fixed wireless, on the other hand, has lower latency, making it a better option for these activities.


When it comes to pricing, fixed wireless and satellite internet can vary significantly depending on the provider and location.

In general, fixed wireless tends to be more affordable compared to satellite internet due to lower equipment and maintenance costs.

However, this may not always be the case, and it is essential to compare plans from different providers to make an informed decision.


In conclusion, the choice between fixed wireless and satellite internet ultimately depends on an individual's specific needs and location.

While fixed wireless may be more suitable for some, satellite internet may be the only available option for others. It is crucial to carefully consider the factors mentioned above and compare plans to determine the best option for reliable and high-speed internet access.



Q1. Is satellite internet a better choice than cable?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences.

Some potential advantages of satellite internet include wider coverage in rural areas, faster speeds in some cases, and the ability to access internet from anywhere with a clear view of the sky.

However, satellite internet may also have higher latency (delay) and can be affected by weather conditions.

Cable internet typically offers faster and more reliable speeds, but may be limited to certain areas and require physical installation. Ultimately, the best option for an individual will depend on their specific location, budget, and internet usage needs.


Q2. What is the difference between fixed wireless and satellite internet?

Fixed wireless internet uses radio signals to connect to a nearby tower, while satellite internet uses a satellite dish to connect to a satellite in orbit.


Q3. How do I know if fixed wireless or satellite internet is available in my area?

You can check with local internet providers to see which type of internet service is available in your area.


Q4. Which type of internet option is faster: fixed wireless or satellite?

Fixed wireless internet tends to be faster since it does not have to travel through space to reach the user. However, speeds can vary depending on location and other factors.


Q5. Is there a difference in cost between fixed wireless and satellite internet?

The cost of fixed wireless and satellite internet can vary depending on the provider and package options. In general, fixed wireless tends to be more affordable than satellite internet.




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